Monday, November 10, 2008

DTM Term 4 Week 5

This week I have been frantically trying to fix up and re-order my blog in order to pass. I will be finishing up soldering and finishing my circut later today.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Bottom of The Box

DTM Term 4 Week 4

This week i have been tidying up my blog site, and have added any posts that I have not added, and all I need to do now is finish the circuit and insert it, as well as possibly adding a top to it

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Reflective Practise

Final Box

DTM Term 4 Week 3

I riveted all my sides to my box, and have begun to sand down the sides for a smoother finish. The box is now complete and the next step I have to do is silicon any gaps to make is water resistant, and add the circut and lights onto the box, as well as make and secure a plastic top to the box, which the light is encased in. I am also considering having a 2900 milliamp AA battery to power the circut as this would last much longer than the 700 milliamp one that is in my mockup

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

DTM Term 4 Week 2

2This week I have had to repair a problem I have only just noticed with the braces that connect the top plate to the four sides. The problem is the the rivets collide with each other, I fixxed this by remaking all the braces and spacing out where I drilled the rivet holes. Also this week I have finished putting most of the parts together such as riveting the last side plate on, and drilling and screwing in the bottom plate. I hope to finish securing and siliconing any gaps next week